Monday, January 11, 2010

Frozen Mouthwash

My mouthwash was frozen this morning. Seriously. Got to add a bathroom safe heater to my list of things to buy on my usual Tuesday grocery trip tomorrow.

I'm not a fan of winter. Especially when there "seems" to be no warmth in sight to escape to! Otherwise, winter would be a cinch. This old house is driving me bananas. Or shall I "say" frozen bananas! >

Ugh. Don't mind me. I'm just being dramatic because my fingers are cold. :0P We do have access to heat. However, this home has so insulation, has high ceilings, large rooms, and is DRAFTY to boot. The floors are wooden, and all original...and like walking on ice during the winter. Even with thick socks and shoes on, it's inevitable. Your feet are going to be cold. There are many windows in our home, and they are quite tall. They produce a lot of draft. There are also six doors in our home that lead outdoors. Also a source of draft. Living in this house has been an experience. We've had a lot of neat experiences living in such an old home, and a lot of bad experiences, as well. Winter always being the worst of all experiences had here. I've certainly learned how to be resourceful in a number of ways. While that may be a blessing, I'm praying for an outlet. I can't wait to get out of this place! This is the year! I can feel it!

Last night I thanked God, with all my heart, for warmth as my frozen fingers and toes thawed out under the warmth of heavy sheets and blankets. My heart broke as I thought of those who had no escape from the cold and prayed for them as well. I was plenty warm and snug in my bed as I did so (we have a heater in our room that produces a lovely amount of heat). Sleeping in a warm bed is a privilege that we take for granted, I believe. I didn't think twice about having heat and a warm home, before moving here. I can't imagine what it must be like to suffer through a cold night without warmth. I believe that the Lord has brought me here, to this frigid home, for a reason! I woke up with ideas on how to "share the warmth" with our community, and I pray that I am able to carry out my ideas before the winter is over. Pray with me and for me, please! :0)

Praying that you are relishing in the blessings of the Lord. A warm home, cozy bed, food in your tummy, family, and friends.

Relishing in His goodness...