Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Toddler talk

Ella has a little boo boo on her chin. She hates for me to "doctor" her boo boo's. She detests antibiotic ointments and band aids. This was a conversation we had while I was putting ointment on her little boo boo. :0)

Ella: No mommy. No keem (cream) pease (please)! No sanks (thanks). No sanks.

Me: I'm sorry, sweetie, but I have to clean up your boo boo.

Ella: I wanna shoo that boo boo ay (away), mommy.

Me: You wanna shoo your boo boo away?

Ella: Yeah. I make it go shoo ay.

Me: Well, that sounds like a swell idea to me!

All the while, I was applying the teeniest amount of ointment to her chin. Soon after, I finished and she used her shirt to wipe her chin clean of the ointment (which is so typical....yet, I apply the ointment anyway. Go figure.), and she said, "See. It all gone. I keened (cleaned) it away, mommy. Wook (look)! No boo-boo. Yay!"

My three year old has found the cure for all boo boo's. :0)

At breakfast, we were discussing where things come from.

Me: Did you know that the milk you are drinking came from a cow?

Ella: No it came in the friggy.

Me: Before it was in our refrigerator, it came from a cow. Moooooo!

Ella: (giggle) Oh yeah. A cow. (pauses to take a drink)....Ahhhhhh. That yummy cowboy.

She knew she said something funny and laughed hysterically at her own joke. :0P

Love the way she talks and thinks....a year from now, she'll be talking and thinking on a different level. For now, I'm gonna relish in it. :0)

Relishing in His goodness...