Tonight, I lift my voice to the Heaven's singing praises to our Father for several precious prayers that have been answered this week.
I am 36 weeks along in this pregnancy! I am feeling absolutely wonderful, to boot! This is HUGE for me! I've never done so well in pregnancy, especially this far along!
Praise You, Father!
As of last Friday, Ella has begun to fall into a delightful routine. She no longer cries, in the morning, about not wanting to go to preschool. She, literally, improved upon this overnight...God CAN move mountains! Mornings have been such a blessing!
At my check-up, today, everything checked out perfectly! Normal BP. All labs from last week came back normal. Jacob is doing wonderfully, as am I! A complete turn around from this time last week! We have an ultrasound next Monday, with the Maternal/Fetal Specialist, and another doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Praying all goes well at each. I'm enjoying having an almost average pregnancy for once! At this time, he is still scheduled to arrive on October 13, via c-section at approximately 7:45 a.m. Just a little over three weeks to go!
Darrell and I celebrated our seven year wedding anniversary on Sunday. Seven years seems like such a short amount of time, however, I feel as though I've been with him a lifetime....and I mean that in a positive way! ha,ha. In seven years of marriage, we have spent exactly one month, in total, apart. Our relationship, however, began while he was still in the military and he spent 13 months in Kuwait and Iraq. It seems like forever ago, and yet like yesterday at the same time. We've grown tremendously as a couple, adults, parents, as well as His servants. I can't imagine having gone through all that I have these past seven years with anyone else but my sweet Darrell. He cooked me a beautiful dinner of steak w/grilled onions, salad, asparagus, baked potatoes, and sweet tea. When he isn't experimenting by mixing weird concoctions of bar-b-q sauce in pasta (that was a one time deal and he never did it again!!! Blech! It will forever make for a funny story, nonetheless!), my guy can cook! I mean really cook! I was pampered well on our anniversary. I'm completely blessed to be his wife. So much so that his dirty socks are totally worth picking up, just to have him! :0) Tripping over his large work boots, is a different story! Only teasing! I'd take every flaw, times a million, for him to be mine! While Darrell has a facebook page, he gets on facebook MAYBE once every two months. He made a special appearance to create a status for me.
"It has been a great 7th year anniversary with my beautiful wife. This is a very special year for us. We are expecting our first son together in a few weeks. I can't wait."
It's the little things in life that mean the most!
I've been having issues with my computer for quite some time. I'm not able to view certain aspects of my blog. One of which is my "followers" (Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike that term for blog pals?) list. I've discovered that I've got two new followers within the past month, although I'm not able to see who you two are. Please know that I appreciate you both so very much, and I'd love to check out your blogs as well. If you don't feel comfortable leaving a comment, please e-mail me a link to your blog. You will find my e-mail address in my profile (top right corner). :0)
As always, precious friends and family,
Relishing in His goodness...