After I had my second child, my son Gabriel, I remember being asked how difficult it was caring for more than one. Honestly, it didn't seem too different. Not that I am bothered by it, but having four children means for answering that question much differently today (this is my third attempt at finishing this post!). I went almost an entire day with just one hand (set of nails) painted, before getting to the other! HaHa! Shaving my legs happens less frequently these days. Breakfast and lunch, for myself, consist of a quick grab. But you know, I just can't imagine life any different. They all are growing sooooo quickly. One day, my home will be silent and empty. I'll take every moment I'm given...even if that means walking around with five nails painted. :0P
I had a great routine down and had time alloted to do more for myself until, sadly, the transmission went out in Big Blue (my mini van). This passing of my vehicle meant for one added chore. Driving Ms. Daisy...or, in this case, Darrell. Sounds so much better when referring to him as Ms. Daisy though, doesn't it? haha. Nix the word chore! That's not the word I meant. We'll just say that it's an added bonus to time spent with my hubby! Thankfully, he's been driving/riding with a car pool group for several months, so I only have to drive him twenty minutes away. They are being exceptionally kind and allowing him to ride with them, despite the fact that we are currently a one car family and he can no longer drive the car pool, at this moment. He continues to pay his part in gas, however. He will begin driving (as they alternate each week) once we are able to find a new mini to replace Big Blue. God always, always blesses us. I'm so thankful for those sweet car pool fellas! My husband has saved over $300 a month, in gas, since joining the car pool! Woot! I drive him, each day, to meet these guys. This, on top of my plentiful schedule of driving the babes to and from school/friend's houses/activities/church. The car feels like my second home! Because his schedule changes each month, I have to adjust to a new schedule when he does. Praying that we are able to buy a second vehicle soon! I'm an early riser (and happy to be so), but waking up at 4:00 am is getting hard on this gal. Still, it could be SO much worse. Despite my whine, I am thankful! Truly I am!
So much has happened in the past month...nothing major to some. Milestones mostly, but all so precious to me.
Jacob is nearly four months old. He's sleeping through the night, and in his crib, at that. He's doing so well! You'd never know that he had issues at birth! He's very strong, and coming along beautifully!
Ella is doing quite well in pre-k! I had an end-of-the-semester meeting with her teacher, before Winter break. She informed me that Ella is doing really well, academically. She's ahead of schedule, in fact. No surprise as she has two older siblings who love playing school with her...and Ella, for the most part, takes school playtime with her siblings seriously. Ha. She was spelling her name, on paper and in sign, at the age of two. We taught her shapes and colors at three. She's just a fast learner. I'm proud of her. She's come a long way, socially. She's broken out of her shell, and is even a bit of a leader...although, in some instances, that hasn't been the best thing. She has recently earned the nickname Bossy McFlossy! Oy vey. She was the baby, in our family, for nearly five years. That definitely shows.
Gabriel brought home all A's, with the exception of Math, in which he recieved a B in, on his report card. He's been enjoying all of the new books and legos he received for Christmas. He's enjoying Awana's, and his absolute favorite thing to do with his Dad....meeting football and baseball players, and getting their autographs. He currently has three super sized binders full of autographs, as well as footballs, baseballs, posters, and baseball bats. We are running out of wall space for all of this stuff! He's my funny guy. He's a constant source of comedy in our home! :0)
Lindsey is growing into a young lady. At twelve she is becoming a bit of a social butterfly. She is blessed with really great friends, however, and I've had no problems out of her, at this point. Her report card wasn't the fact, it's the worst she's ever brought home. A's, B's, and C's. She's never gotten a C on a report card. She is still enjoying chorus and FCA. And, might I add, that she is such a tremendous help with the baby. He absolutely adores her! She enjoys dressing him up...never when it's time to go anywhere, mind you. Just out of boredom. She and Ella played dress up last night. They dressed as farmers, and she brought Jacob to her room, and dressed him in a pair of overalls so that they could all match. tee hee hee. It's hard to believe that, five years from now, Lindsey will be in her last year of high school. Five years comes and goes soooo quickly.
Christmas was wonderful! We spent loads of time with our family. Three days, in fact, celebrating the birth of our Savior. Jolly good time!
My Mom holding Jacob, and the best step dad a girl could ever have

Ella, my niece Shelby, and Lindsey

My nephew Sebastian, Gabriel, and nephews Wesley and Bryson

Mama MeMe Marme Mo (catch a tiger by the toe! Ha!) with our sweet Jacob

My precious MawMaw holding Jacob

Ella on Christmas morning

Jacob, Lindsey, and Gabriel

A lil Christmas morning painting/crafting

And my absolute favorite dog in the whole entire world, my furry nephew, Cookie Dog!

We rang in the New Year in a pretty-typical-of-us, kind of way. We had a picnic dinner in the park, where we met some friendly Christians who were singing and praising God for 2011 and the blessings that were to come in 2012. We were so happy to be allowed to share that time with them, and with the Lord, before going home and watching the New York ball and the Georgia Peach drop. We went to bed promptly after that, but not before praising God for the MANY blessings and answered prayers he poured out upon us in 2011.
Ella fell asleep before the Peach dropped, and Gabriel decided to celebrate at his Dad's house. Lindsey, Jacob, Darrell and I rang in the New Year together, with Gabriel on the phone (speaker).

In this New Year, I will find myself to be the very blessed mother to one thirteen year old beauty, an eleven year old funny guy, a six year old princess, and a one year old love bug! The dynamics of their personalities, together in this household, are what make my world go round. I am growing and learning along with them, and I know that I always will be. They are growing so quickly, but I find myself relishing in each one of them, as slowly as I possibly can...each day indulging in their humor, affection, and curiosity. Darrell and I are so, so blessed to be their parents.
Saying goodbye to Daddy. He was leaving for work (Friday nights were my "off" nights in December!)

Lunch with big brother, at the elm school. This was the last day before Christmas break.

Lunch with Ella

This is her "bestest" friend!

Big sister reading a book to the itty bitties. (I LOVE moments like this!)

Sassy McFrassy

A little art on a rainy Saturday afternoon

A new discovery for an enthusiastic adventurer

Sleeping Beauty

A little tickle and cuddle time on a beautiful Saturday morning

Pre bath baby being loved on by Daddy

A "good morning Daddy! I wuv you!" photo to send to him while he was at work (her idea!). Dressed and ready for school.

Gabey & pals at school

My almost four month old weighs in at a whopping 15.9 pounds and is 25 1/2 inches long. He's an incredible joy. He always has a smile on his face, and in his beautiful eyes. He looks EXACTLY like Gabriel, when he was this age. It amazes me!

Daddy made pancakes for breakfast, and a very special pancake for Ella!

This year marks nine years together and, in September, we will celebrate our eighth anniversary! Praise you, Father, for giving me this man!

By the way, that is the first picture I've taken since having all of my hair cut. It's been a few weeks, and I'm still not completely in love with the cut. It'll grow back though. We donated these wavy locks to Locks of Love. Such an amazing organization! Check out their website!

My year in review (facebook stats) Goodbye 2011....You were a fabulous year for us!

Grace, like rain, falls down on me....2012 has just begun, but I've already found myself immersed in His love and blessings.

This is going to be another GREAT year!

Relishing in His goodness...