How I've missed thee! So much has happened in the two years that I've neglected to visit here. You little ole splendor, you.
For starters, my children are growing way too quickly! 17,14,12,7,& 2....all of which have yet to celebrate their birthdays this year! Ack.
A year ago, the Lord answered our prayers and we were given custody of my step daughter, Cheyenne.

Having her with us has been such a blessing! I am so privileged to be her step mom. She transitioned surprisingly well and has been an all A/B student since moving here. She also tried out for the high school's Color Guard team and made it! This was her first time ever being in an extra curricular activity! She has made us so proud!

Lindsey (also pictured above) made color guard for her high school. It was such a blessing to watch both girls out on those fields performing! Lindsey started her first year of high school, last Fall. That was a huge shock to me! It's all happened so fast. She has continued to partake in chorus and recently tried out for her school's Honor Chamber Choir, and made it! Woot!

Gabriel is in the seventh grade, this year, and for a second year is in band as well as his school's percussion ensemble. He has been utterly blessed with AMAZING mentors/directors, and it's just been a super exciting adventure for our entire family. He absolutely loves it, and has just been relishing in every moment. I couldn't be happier for him.

My sweet Ella is growing like a weed . I hoped, for so long, that she'd be a toddler forever. Alas, just like her older siblings, she grew quicker than I ever imagined she would.

And then there's my Jacob. My precious toddler baby. He is at such a fun age! He has come into the most awesome little personality. He has truly been a tremendous blessing to each of us from the very beginning. He is adored by his older siblings, and we all just have a blast with that little stinker!

I am amazed at how much God loves me! So undeserving of such love, but am, so thankful for it, nonetheless!
Relishing in His goodness...