Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Secondary Loss

I can't begin to count the amount of times I'd sense he was looking at me, just to meet this exact expression when glancing over at him.

It's traumatic losing someone who loved me so fiercely and unconditionally. I truly can't fathom that I'll be blessed with such love again. 

The grief group, that I'm in, threw out a phrase that I was unfamiliar with, last week. Secondary loss. Essentially this means losses that follow a primary loss. In my case, the secondary losses would be my role identity, as I'm no longer a wife. A sense of belonging; It was always he and I against the world. Where do I belong in this world that he's no longer a part of? Medical insurance...that goes without explanation. An intimate relationship. Again, no need for explanation. The loss of what we had hoped for our future together. 

I miss him saying, "Come here" before grabbing my arm to pull me into him. I miss nights that consisted of sound sleep as he kept me warm. I miss it all.

You'd keep my head from going under...