Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Girls Rule, Boys Drool!

    This week has been no friend of mine. I, somehow, entered enemy territory and got hit a few times. I've been mentally tested and I probably failed miserably at being the rock star that I usually am...yeah. I just said that. Just let me have it. 

    I have had so much to do and had zero motivation nor the mental capacity for any of it. Somehow, I did what had to be done, with my brain tuned out. 

    Today, Ella kept asking if I'd take her to get her ears pierced. I REALLY didn't want to take her to do this. If I'm being honest, what I really wanted to do was climb into my bed and bury myself in my covers and shut out the world. 

    But, my Ella has these precious eyes that I can't say no matter how badly I wanted to dig my heels in. This silent indignation of what, at the time, felt very much like a chore. 

    By the end of the night, how my soul rejoiced in reverie from the break in depression monotony that I had found myself in. I am so thankful that God created my girl to have the most persuasive eyes I've ever known. 


  Before it was her turn to get into the seat, to have her ears re-pierced, a young man was having his done. He took it pretty terribly. Bless his heart. He let out an animated yelp with each piercing and then continued with the pitiful dramatics as his mother shopped around the store. My girl hopped into the chair and sat stoically as each ear was pierced. Not even a flinch with that one! She was finished in less than a minute and had zero reaction. She doesn't get it from her mama. The good Lord knows I have a flair for the dramatics. heh.

We did a little retail therapy before heading to our favorite Mexican restaurant, where we laughed and talked long after the food was gone. 

    Zero thought of the woes that had plagued my mind earlier. My reflection, for the end of this day, is to think about how much quality time I allow my depression to swallow up...and how I'm going to implement positive reinforcement into those dark spaces, moving on into the future. 

    If you are reading this from a dark place, know that you aren't alone. Please feel free to e-mail me if you need someone to talk to. So many hugs, prayers, and blessings to you. x

Relishing in His goodness...