If you're like me, being out in nature feels like being immersed in all that is right in this world....I feel so close to Christ when I am surrounded by His beautiful creation. Trees, water, rolling hills/mountains, clouds, the blue sky, bright colors, the chirping of birds and the scurry of chubby chipmunks = sheer contentment of this gals heart!
We took our first family outing, since Jacob's been born, this past Saturday. We went to the Chattahoochee Bend State Park. The weather was absolutely PERFECT, and the colors of the leaves on the trees and on the ground were magnificent! I love this season!

We ate a picnic lunch right beside the old Chattahoochee, played on one of the neatest jungle gyms I've ever seen (I'd LOVE to meet the folks who designed it! Aside from the swings, it's soooo far from the norm! Really cool place and fun for the whole family!), walked some trials, and caught a glimpse of some local wildlife.

It was a fabulous Autumn afternoon!
Jacob slept nearly the entire afternoon. I do believe that his lungs enjoyed breathing in all that fresh air. :0)

As is her nature, Ella was easily pleased by the site of the river, and trails...the jungle gym was simply a bonus!

Lindsey and Gabriel could have slept out there! In fact, they've added tents, canoes, and fishing poles to their Christmas lists.

And, Darrell...well, he becomes a big kid when presented with a jungle gym, and a grill!

We were definitely in our element!

Relishing in His goodness...