Last week was Red Ribbon (drug awareness) week at the younger one's elementary school. That's always a fun week, at school! Each year, during this particular week, the children are able to dress according to each day's theme.
Monday: Wear lots of red in order to display the color in a school wide parade!

We're proud to be drug free!
Tuesday: Sunglasses/hats...We're too cool to use drugs! (Mommy forgot to take a picture! Tuesday and Wednesday. Boo!)
Wednesday: Wear black/camo....We will black out and fight drugs!
Thursday: PJ's...we will dream of better things than drugs!

Friday: Crazy dress-up day. Wear mismatched clothes, socks, shoes, etc! Drugs are not my style!

Gabriel decided not to participate on Thursday and Friday. He said that is would look "dorky wearing PJ's and crazy clothes". teehee. It's amazing how much a child's perspective changes in one short year!
As is tradition, we made popcorn hands Thursday night for Ella and Gabriel's classes Fall parties that were to take place the following afternoon. We made close to 60 hands, however, my microwave gave out while popping the 12th bag of popcorn! Ack! Darrell, thoughtfully, hurried off to the store to buy already popped popcorn so that we could finish the hands. They were a lot of fun for both age groups. I had lunch with Gabriel and his pals that Friday afternoon, and spent the rest of the school hours in Ella's class for her Fall party, which, by the way, was her first class party. :0)

I love that, while all of the pumpkins around hers have frowns/mad faces, her pumpkin was created with a smile. :0)
Ella turned five on November 2! This little girl, whom we prayed so fervently for, is five already! Wow! The time has simply flown by. We are celebrating by having a small little get-together this weekend. I can't wait. As a mother of a new baby, whom seldom leaves the house, I relish in the company of other adults. The fact that we are doing so, while celebrating the birth of my third child, is just fabulous!
Jacob turned five weeks old, on Ella's fifth birthday. He's growing even more quickly than I remember the other children at this age. I'm not sure if it's my age, or the circumstances surrounding his birth and first two weeks of life, but being his mother is so different. It's indescribable, really. Being sleep deprived doesn't bother me near as much as I remember when I became a mother for the first time. I just feel so blessed to have him here with us. I'm not taking anything for granted.
This was him at four weeks:

And these were taken this week. Five weeks old!

As you can see, he is quite loved by his siblings!
Relishing in His goodness...