I am pretty proud of myself, y'all. I went out of my comfort zone and planned our first vacation without him. Anyone who truly knows me knows how huge this is for me. I already had terrible anxiety before we got covid, but I'm fairly certain that I've got PTSD since getting it and losing him. Leaving the house, has been extremely difficult for me.
Nevertheless, we are currently on day two of our three day stay in Chattanooga, TN. It's just the two younger kids and I...and they have been so absolutely precious. "Thank you sooooo much, Mama!" and "This has been the best day ever!" followed by hugs and kisses. I'm hiding my anxiety well for them. They needed this and I'm so thankful I was able to provide it for them. And, we're having a blast!!!
Buc-ees: We weren't crazy about the smoked meat sammies (I mean, good smoked meat doesn't need sauce. These are saturated in it! I said what I said.) but I fell in love with their jalapeno and cheese bread, chocolate covered espresso beans, as well as their chocolate and coconut covered almonds. Yum. Ella loved the Beaver Nuggets and their fruity pebbled rice crispy treat, and Jacob loved their double fudge brownie. All-in-all, it was a fun novelty shop stop where we got sugared up.
The Chattanooga Zoo: We've gone before but it had been many years and Jacob was a baby then. For the kids, this was all new to them. It's a much smaller zoo than the one in Atlanta, but it's kept up really well. There were very few guests at the time we were there so we got to linger for quite a while at each exhibit without interruption. The staff was super friendly. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. My little animal lovin girl was completely in her element and so happy to be there.
The Tennessee Aquarium: This was an absolutely perfect trip to the aquarium. There were very few people there, during our time slot, so we had plenty of time to admire all of the exhibits. We spent hours falling in love with all of the pretty colors and the tranquility of it all. I missed him the most, during this trip, while we were there. He and I took all of the grown children there countless times. He'd have loved this trip. The kids most especially loved the under water cavern area...as did I.
After exploring the city and swimming until their little hearts were content, my sweet babes were completely tuckered out.
I can't wait until our next adventure!
Relishing in His goodness...