Wednesday, February 16, 2022


He and I weren't big at celebrating this particular holiday with one another but we LOVED going all out for the kids, together. We created a tradition of grilling steaks, decorating the house, buying them a cookie cake, and gifts. The kids kept asking if we were going to do what we usually do. The closer we got to it, the more I missed him. I wanted to skip the day altogether. Turn my phone off so I wouldn't be tempted to see all of the happy couples posting their sweet nothings to one another on social media. My world is completely different. Things that once were are no more. 


 I decided against tradition, and took the kids out for lunch, instead. Since Lindsey was working, we all headed over to where she was to give her the Valentines goodies I bought her. Being with all of them, together, and seeing them interact makes me feel like we did something right. They love one another so much. When Lindsey saw her siblings, you'd have thought they were famous! She was just as thrilled to see all of us as we were her. The day wasn't near like what it's been like every year before it, but it turned out pretty swell, regardless. 

Side note: Jacob said, "Nobody cooks steak as good as dad did." 

We love because He first loved us. -1 John 4:19

Relishing in His goodness...
