I adore November. There's just something about the month that has invariably felt extra special to me. It's consistently brought with it a welcoming reprieve, from those miserably humid Southern months, in the form of a chill in the air and the comforting smell of wood smoke billowing from a chimney or two, or leaves burning in someone's yard. Nothing better has been given to me, in the month of November, than the birth of my third child, however. God knows how desperately I prayed to become pregnant with my November baby, all those years ago. She's been a constant joy to our entire family since the day she graced this world with her delightful presence.
Our sweet Ella turned 16 this year. SIXTEEN! It's hard to believe how quickly time flies by after becoming a parent. I've been blessed with four biological children, and many bonus babies. I know I'm like a broken record when I say that I'm still shocked at the vastness of time, but it's true. I'll never get over just how quickly time flies by. They grow ever so quickly.
At sixteen, she still possesses a calm and quiet disposition and a superlative heap of interest and love for animals and nature. She loves to cook and try new recipes and often makes lots of tasty things for us to try. Her brothers thoroughly enjoy that about her and I love having a kitchen helper, too!
She loves clothes and shoes but has zero desire to wear makeup. She isn't your average sixteen year old and she's perfectly content and confident being herself. I absolutely love this about her and only wish I could have been that awesome when I was her age. Her dad would have been so proud of our girl. She was the apple of his eye. It's hard to believe that he's missed another of her birthdays but I felt his spirit with us celebrating.
Ella is, simply put, just an incredibly easy person to be around and I'm endlessly thankful that God chose me to be her mama. She is adored by every person (and animal) who knows her and I am forever in awe of her precious soul. I'm so thankful to everyone who came out to celebrate her birthday with us. She felt so loved and said, "That was such a good birthday, Mama. I loved that." I concur.
There is an infinite number of words and phrases that could be used as a form of appreciation. None of those words, not even the infinite lot, would suffice, however . The sacrifices made, by countless men and women, far exceed anything that could come close to giving back to them what they've given to us. But, alas, "thank you" is all that I have to give. So, many thanks to those of you who have served in the armed forces. Your blood, sweat, and tears are not lost on me. x
There have been various hikes had, this month, through the forestry on our property. The pups have especially enjoyed those walks, although, there are times when we have to put them into our hiking dog packs to get them warm again before their traipsing back out and exploring every nook and cranny again. There's something about walking through these woods that transports one into a world of tranquility and sunshine through thousands of tree limbs. These walks are good for our souls.
Jacob and Ella wanted to carve the pup's names onto "our family tree" so they took turns doing that. I thought that was adorable. That tree always makes me a little emotional. How many times did we venture to that tree, in the middle of the woods behind our house, on pretty mornings with him? It was his idea to carve all of our names into that tree. Jacob was maybe six months old at the time, and we'd only been in the house a few days when he was born. Darrell worked hard to buy that house and plot of land for his family. As he carved our names into the bark of that tree we knew that, no matter where we were, those names were etched into a tree that'll, more than likely, be standing long after we've left this place. And now the pup's names will be there, too.
Roscoe is always plumb tuckered out after a nice hike and warm bath.
lights and wreaths a'plenty!
Gabriel and I had a nice lil bonding moment as he taught himself to change the lights in his car. He's such an awesome fella. He never ceases to make his mama proud.
Relishing in His goodness...