Sunday, October 30, 2022

Orlando, A Date Night, & the Zoo

    As I mentioned in the post before, I have been blessed with not just my own children but with those whom I refer to as "bonus babies" as well. Children who came into my life, as good friends to my own children thus becoming like my very own. One bonus baby, in particular, is my sweet Taurean. He and Lindsey met in middle school...seventh grade, I think. They were just itty bitty then. Now they're both 23, living their best lives, and still the best of friends. Taurean works as a "Cast Member" at The Magic Kingdom in Orlando and he LOVES his new life down there...and we're all so thrilled for him, too! That fella chose to bless the kids and I with passes into the Disney parks as a surprise! He let me know a couple of months in advance, to give me ample time to prepare for the trip. He also made a fun video to announce the surprise to the kids, and delivered it on Jacob's birthday. How awesome is that?!?! What a guy! I'm certain that'll be a birthday surprise that he'll never forget!

    So three of the kids and I set out on the open road, the week after a massive hurricane. Traffic was a bit of a booger, but Lindsey put her Disney playlist on and we thoroughly enjoyed singing our hearts out to those Disney tunes. And of course, we made an obligatory stop at Buc-ees in South Georgia. I'm over the excitement that is the Buc-ees Fandom...but they do have the cleanest bathrooms. What gal wouldn't appreciate that luxury?! We've been to a Buc-ees several times so no fan photos BUT I did get some pretty shots in the cotton field across the street when we stopped in on our way back home from Orlando.  

    The Airbnb, we stayed in, was charmingly dubbed "The Disney Playhouse" and it was a fantastic surprise for the kids. I didn't tell them where we were staying, beforehand, and it was so much fun to see their excitement as they expeditiously ventured around the house, taking in all of its many quirks, before putting on their swimsuits and jumping into the pool for a night swim under a beautifully full moonlit sky. 


The Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom were a huge hit! I am forever grateful to Taurean for thinking of us and presenting our family with such a gift. I'll remember that time with my babies for as long as I live. 

    We planned to visit the other two parks the next day, however...I woke up in the middle of the night super sick. I ended up spending most of that next day sleeping while the kids swam. They didn't seem to be disappointed that they didn't get to go to the other two parks...I'm sure they had to be, though. And I feel horrible for that, to say the least. I am thankful that the pool posed as a backup plan, anyway. 

    That was the longest road trip I've ever driven. I thought I'd be a little intimidated by it all, but I wasn't. I felt empowered and...I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of my kids, too. We've come so far in just a little over a year's time. I was extremely dependent upon Darrell. I knew it even back then. A year ago, I'd have thought I was going to crumble without him. I feel mentally stronger than I ever have and I'm so thankful to have conquered this sense of independence. 

    My sister turned 42 soon after we got back from that trip and I met she and my Mama out for sushi/habachi to celebrate with her. It's always nice getting to be with them. We missed our older sister but she was out of town. 

    As a single/widowed mama, I spend the majority of my waking hours teaching, feeding, and entertaining the two younger children. I got to a point, recently, where I felt like I wasn't giving them the best that I could of myself. I felt drained, plain and simple. My mom gave Jacob a gift card, for his birthday, to one of his favorite restaurants. He asked me, one afternoon when I was perfectly content being in my pajamas all day, cleaning the house and being quiet, if we could go out for dinner to use his gift card. If you know me, you know I'm not a "No" person. I couldn't say no to his sweet face, despite my undisclosed reluctance. So I curled my hair, dressed in an outfit that I thought would do (my favorite movie line to quote to myself is "That'll do donkey. That'll do.) , and put make up on to take my babies out for a dinner date. As I sat across the table from them, that night, I thought to myself, "How did I get to be so blessed?"

Sometimes I have the fleeting thought that I don't deserve such preciousness. They keep me living...period. They are the reason I got out of that hospital. They are the reason why I get out of my pj's on those days when I really don't want to. They are the reason I strive to live when I simply want to throw my hands up in the air and give up indignantly. 

    I have no doubt that God is real and that He gives us exactly what we need. He knew before I could have ever imagined that I needed to be a mama. And I'm forever grateful that He loves me so well and made me a mama to each of my babies. He reveals Himself to me constantly, and especially so through the eyes of my children. 

    Those two kiddos just kept thanking me, during that little date, as if they'd never gone out for dinner with me before. I ADORE their constant gratitude for the simplest of things in life. What a gift they've always been to me. 

    October has brought with it the most beautiful Autumn weather! Such a reprieve from our scorching Summer months! The irony that a season that brings upon the ending of things, yet can breathe such life into my soul, is not lost on me. We love outdoor activities during these Fall months, in Georgia. After a tip from my sister about a local zoo that I had no idea existed, I planned a surprise Sunday visit to the for the kids and I. 

We've been to MANY zoos and animal sanctuaries. This was, hands down, the best we've ever been to! One of the owners introduced herself to us as "MeMaw" and I thought that was just adorably Southern and made me feel like home. The staff was so super friendly. The animals were quite obviously well loved and their habitats were beautifully maintained. There was an aviary that my kids could have easily spent hours in. With the purchase of several $1 feed sticks, we were able to stand in the midst of this happy lil aviary and feed tons of birds who were quite content resting on our heads, shoulders, and fingers. My animal loving babies were ECSTATIC about that experience. If you live in or around the Coweta/Troup County areas, I highly recommend visiting the Iron P Homestead Zoo. And...even if you live a little further out, it's worth the drive, I assure ya! "MeMaw" said they'd be offering annual passes at the first of 2023. My kids have kindly (on repeat) reminded me of this notion everyday since our visit. Ha. 

 As is indicative of my personality, I have worked on this post at a snails pace as I don't seem to make anything but my kids and my health a priority these days. These few things were the highlights of our October. And our October flew by. The year has flown by. Ella turns 16 in a few days and that blows my mind! At times, it's hard to believe that he's not here to watch them grow another year older.  But, this is her second birthday since his passing, and I think we're all in a good place together. I look forward to celebrating my girl this week. 

    One last day left of October. It's been such a beautiful month and I hate to see it go. But I'll be celebrating the last day of the month with a bowl full of my sister's chili and passing out candy sat in a chair outside in the cool night air, surrounded by people I love, ogling at all the fun costumes and adorable lil babies. What a way to end the month, I say! 

Relishing in His goodness...