My littlest guy turned eleven. I use the word "little" loosely as he's nearly the height of a grown man with a shoe size larger than what his daddy wore. His big brother stands just over six feet, and I'm pretty certain that Jacob is going to surpass even his height. Although, Gabriel jokes that he's not going to allow that to happen. "My baby brother is not going to be taller than me! It's not happening." he says before making another joke about busting some kneecaps. The good Lord knows these children keep me busy laughing.
Toward the end of August, I had this aching feeling in the pit of my stomach. Everyone close to me knows how melodramatic I tend to be. A characteristic trait (or flaw) to being raised the middle child in a family of three girls. I was slap in the middle of two really strong personalities. Melodrama, poetry, art, soulful music, and empathy were all things that I could relate to in the little world I created there in the middle. But even I had to laugh at myself, last month, every time I allowed Billie Joe Armstrong's voice to whine, inside my head, a tune about waking him up when September ends. "I never liked that song, Billie, but I can completely relate, man."
Last year, Jacob turned ten nine days after his father passed away. We celebrated his double-digit day but, if I'm being honest, it's a complete blur to me now. What I do remember is my baby crying, daily, that his daddy wasn't going to be here to celebrate his tenth birthday with us. With all of this in mind, I worried that my small man sized baby boy was going to have a difficult time celebrating again, this year, so soon after the one year mark. There was a definite quiet about him that I anticipated. The quiet is just as deafening, I think. But it was a lovely evening, nonetheless. It was just my babies and I. I've said this a gazillion times, and I stand firm on this, despite my bias..I am in constant awe of how well my babies all love one another. The two older kids told their friends and partners that it was his birthday and those people bought Jacob gifts to help make his birthday a little more special. In fact, Lindsey presented the kids with an extra special video, from my bonus baby Taurean who works at Disney, letting them know that they were going to get to experience the magic that is Walt Disney World for their very first time! Bless that sweet fella for getting our family tickets to make both Jacob and Ella's birthdays so special this year! The good Lord knows that my mama heart has been abundantly blessed with not just my own precious children, but with so many extra bonus babies, too! Sweet, sweet blessings.
I think that despite his quiet disposition, Jacob enjoyed his birthday. It seems to do his soul extra good to spend quality time with his three siblings. After dinner, they went to Ella's room to hang out like they always did when Lindsey still lived at home, and just laughed and laughed. These tremendous awesomely contagious laughs that made me smile from ear to ear. I'm so thankful for tender mercies like that.
At eleven, his voice is getting slightly deeper. He stands just a hair taller than me and a bit taller than all of his older sisters. He's in a size 11 1/2 mens shoe. He loves music, his mama and siblings, his kitties and pups, making people laugh, giving the best big hugs, playing basketball, and gaming. He likes to hold my hand when we pray. In fact, he is typically the person in our house to remind us to pray at meals and bedtime. I love this about him and hope that he never loses this trait. His favorite foods are steak (he still maintains that nobody cooks steak as good as his dad...Darrell may have grilled like a boss, but it was my marinade, y'all!), pizza, Chic-fil-la's mac & cheese, and Zaxby's grilled chicken salad. He loves Harry Potter and Star Wars movies. He's currently been listening to the Potter series audio books. He's extremely empathetic and sensitive. So super loving, too. He's an all A student which blows my mind considering all he's gone through in the last year. He's a deep thinker and pretty excellent problem solver. Extremely inquisitive and precocious. He often has the tendency to be quick witted and sarcastic, too. Maybe a smidge bit of tween snark every so often. But...he's been a joy from the start. I'm so thankful God chose me to be his mama. Such a gift.
I'm a week late posting but, happy birthday to my youngest baby! I prayed so fervently to have one last baby, and God gave me you! I knew you were a boy...I felt it in my soul even before an ultrasound told us. I was in love with you months before you graced this world with your presence. It's no wonder I stand in awe of you, sweet boy. You make me proud! Your loving, empathetic nature is inspiring.
Mama's love for you is infinite and unconditional. Forever and always my baby you will be.
Relishing in His goodness...