Monday, September 19, 2022

365 Days

    I can't believe it's been a year. 

    I have this tradition that I do with the kids every New Years Eve. I ask each child what their favorite bits of that year had been for them, and what they were hoping would come about in the New Year. This was my "Hope for the New Year" going into 2021. 

    I'm fairly certain that we ate our fair share of Mexican food and queso dip. Ya girl loves Mexican food! There were no live concerts to be had, for us to attend. BUT...we absolutely built our fire pit and made many roasted hot dogs and marshmallows around it together. Family time was most definitely had in abundance. We weren't anticipating the tornado that swept through our town, that March, annihilating homes, businesses and schools in its' path. Nor the fact that Darrell would drive into that beastly tornado and be thrown in its chaos, narrowly escaping unscathed from that, with a smashed vehicle that was covered in large tree limbs before he was rescued. We didn't anticipate that he'd survive that and be taken from us less than six months later from Covid Pneumonia. The mask mandate was lifted just three months after my husband's death, around the birthday he couldn't make it to. I remember being really sad that we couldn't have dodged the Delta varient surge in time for the panic to dissipate enough to lift the mandate.

    I have to continue to remind myself that, regardless of any of that, it was my husbands time to go. 

    I don't have a lot of words to share today so I'm just going to share a couple of facebook posts. Before I do that, though, I want to thank the many people who have reached out to our family to send love. We appreciate every e-mail, text, phone call, prayer, and message. 

My facebook memory today.

And the post my sweet Gabriel shared today. 

For my JohnnyCakes. 

And the dust returns to earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who created it. -Ecclesiastes 12:7

Relishing in His goodness...