Sunday, January 29, 2023

Human Touch

     According to, research has shown that nonsexual human touch can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, lessen the symptoms of anxiety and depression, relieve pain, and boost your immune system. 

    You don't realize just how much your body and mind will crave human touch until you very seldom get it. I wrote about secondary losses, after my husband passed away. This would fall into the category of a secondary loss. Nonsexual human contact from your person. My babies give me hugs and Jacob is a cuddle bug, for certain...and I'm so thankful for that affection. 


    I miss holding hands, little kisses in the kitchen, my head on his warm chest or his long arms wrapped around me as we sleep. Long hugs when I've had a tough day.  Him coming up behind me to wrap his arms around me when I least expect it. 

    I have found myself to be quite independent and stronger than I thought I would be. This is one thing that I cannot fix on my own, though. 

    And I'm not taking applications, either. 

    Just whining. 

    Slight change in topic, one of my widowed friends recently began a new relationship. Her first since becoming a widow nearly five years ago. It was posted to facebook and I was really surprised at the comments made to her about it. Shock and expressed sadness to "the end of an era". I can't tell you how many men I've met, whom have become widowers, and moved on within mere months after their loss. We all deal differently. Moving on certainly doesn't mean replacement. And, for the record, death was what caused "the end of an era" for the relationship. Not the widow establishing a relationship five years later. 

    Getting off my soapbox now to take the younger two kiddos to the movies and dinner for a lil date night. 

    Relish in all of the hugs, kisses, cuddles, and hand-holding that you are gifted with today. Make sure to give your loved one a good many extra right back. 

In the meantime, I'm just over here

Relishing in His goodness...
