Another late night, where I find myself wide awake with abounding thoughts swirling through my head like a school of fish...
A school of fish on acid.
Ending this bon voyage (to the school of fish) with a quote because... well, why not?
I'm in a state of annoyance so I'm just gonna throw out a list comprised of this school of fish who, frankly, need a new location to explore.
- "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." - Brennan Manning
- Being single/widowed does not make a woman fair game.
- I have a mind. I don't want to discuss what you think of my face and body. I want to be fed knowledge, humor, spirituality, culture, words, respect, and love.
- I am a hardcore empath. Negative energy drains me easily. If you feel like I'm distant with you, you've probably depleted me of all I'm able to give to you.
- I am a mama above all else; no Earthly person comes before my kids.
- I'm really REALLY over getting random social media messages from people who have zero regard for any of these things. I. Am. Not. A. Piece. Of. Meat.
- Be the reason someone believes in the goodness in people.
- Don't be a louse.
That felt good.
Onto the lighthearted section of the school of fish:
- The baby grand is the size of an apple this week and my girl is starting to feel lil flutters! Eeek!
- The weather in the state of Georgia has been GORGEOUS! Perfect temps and blue skies make me one happy girl!
- During a recent phone conversation, I mentioned two things that I needed, after just getting back from the store and forgetting them. Darned if an Amazon driver didn't show up the very next day (and the day after) with both of those items! That is the epitome of thoughtfulness, folks. I am so grateful for that thoughtfulness and love.
- Easter was spent at a local state park and it was such a beautiful day spent with my babies. I'm going to write about it in a separate post.
- I bought tickets to see the Secret Sisters in June. I've not seen them since before Covid so I'm beyond stoked to get to see them again. Woot!
- God has blessed us with "beauty for the ashes" and I see it all. I never could have imagined being where I am today, a year and a half ago.
"You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honor trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then- to learn."
Relishing in His goodness...