Upon going through the motions of my typical morning routine, I came into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, and found the most precious gift greeting me from the table. My adult children surprised me with an adorable flower arrangement, my favorite chocolate, and sweets for their younger siblings. My heart was touched by the thoughtful words written in ink and in my oldest boys handwriting on a sheet of thick stationary. Words that reminded me of why I survived covid, myself, and how I've kept my sanity intact during these past two years of widowhood. I've maintained that it's by the grace of God alone that we've stayed afloat. God blessed me, quite copiously, when he made me a mama to these children. Whom, by the way, He uses on a daily to bless their mama so well. We are a mighty blessed family. I'm so thankful to God for giving and taking away and for allowing me the ability to recognize every tender mercy through the really good and the truly difficult.
I challenge you, sweet reader, to make a mental note of tender mercies in your life today. Tender mercies are individualized blessings, consolation, spiritual gifts, protections, and strength from God. Even in the midst of stress and ugly chaos, I assure you, you're being gifted a bounty. The key is being able to recognize them! Having a heart full of gratitude is a game changer, y'all. I lost my husband while raising a nine and fourteen year old. If I can see our Father's abundant love and blessings, falling like rain onto my lil family from the very hour that my husband was taken away and then every day since... you can, too!
I'm typing this late into the evening and reflecting on the day's events. What an awesome day it was! I had tender mercies come in the form of a wake-up video call, as the sun was rising, that set my day in happy motion; strong coffee awakening my senses and one boiled egg sprinkled with salt and pepper for breakfast, praying with Jacob during a long embrace before school began, reading the words that my oldest boy so lovingly shared with me, seeing my two boys embrace and express love to one another, safe travels to and from my destinations, lunch at a Mennonite cafe with the very best company of ladies, running hot water, a working washer and dryer and clean bedding, cool evening temps, spending one-on-one time with Ella, reading and discussing a Bible story with the kids, soul quenching music, blue skies, cool evening temps, hummingbirds, yard grazing deer, texts and phone calls from loved ones who remembered the significance of the day, my fella surprised me by cutting his vacation short and coming back home three days early, and lastly (but not limited to) being able to share our story here. I'm so, so thankful!
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. -Psalm 90:17
Relishing in His goodness...