His notebook sits beside his chrome book, at our kitchen table, where he takes his virtual classes five days a week. He very seldom finds need in said notebook so I typically write little notes for Jacob to find his mama's love and encouragement in. His oldest sister, my firstborn child, spotted his notebook and drew her brother a collage page of art to surprise him with. Most people would look at that little page of doodles and not think much of it...but I see adoration and encouragement from one big sister to her littlest brother. I know I have said it a million times but I LOVE the way my kids love one another. At the end of my life, if I've not done anything else productive with my time here, I'll still be immensely proud of raising children who love one another so well.
As I type these words, I can hear my children laughing hysterically at one another as they play a card game together. Lindsey is mere weeks away from having her first baby so, nights like this, are so very special as they will soon come fewer and farther between. Relishing in evenings, like this one. Thank you, Father.
For I have come to have much comfort and joy in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother. -Philemon 1:7
Off topic but I've got a photo dump to share. These are things that have made me deliriously happy and grateful, recently.
Lindsey and her cat, Maz.
Fall is in the air! Eeek!
Pulling up beside my adult children and their significant others! Ha. A bunch of goobers!
No caption needed.
Luke's mama made us a loaf of homemade bread! It was such a delicious treat for us! Thank you, Mama Re! We loved it and we love you!
That's my fella and his daddy solving big ole problems together.
Finn holding me hostage!
A surprise bathroom note that he left before leaving town, last week.
A pretty sammy from a Mennonite cafe and bakery. Just look at all those pretty colors! Scrum-diddly-umptious!
20 minutes before leaving for work...because working on plane engines requires some good healthy nappage!
Aaron bought himself a brand new car! I'm so proud of my boy!
Ella discovered that Lowe's has spray paint testing areas and decided to add a lil splash of purple happiness to it.
Game day! UGA for the win!