Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Shower Fit For the Baby Ogre

     Hues of greens, creams, browns/tans, and glittery golds adorned her Poppy's house as we celebrated baby Luca's upcoming birth with a Shrek themed shower for my first-born, Lindsey. The theme comes as no surprise to anyone who knows our family... Shrek is one of our family favorites. Not to mention the fact that my oldest boy played Shrek in his high school's production of Shrek the Musical, in his senior year. I can't tell you how many times I've sung the words, "I'm on my weeee" as I've shopped and planned for this baby shower, in the last couple of months! heh 

    We had fun creating "better out than in" food for her Shrek party and I only wish I'd have had time to take decent photos of all of the food and the adorable signs she made to tell all of her guests what the buffet consisted of. Shrek green pinwheels, dragons breath salsa, Swamp water (pumpkin spiced cold brew), Shrek martini eyeballs (meatballs), Lord Farquaad's lil smokies, and Happily Ever After pasta salad were among some of the things we fed her guests during the Shrek-feast. 

    The best thing about that party wasn't the food or decorations but the outpouring of love that my girl and her fella received in the form of precious family and friends. What a special day that turned out to be!

     A special thanks to those of you who took photos and shared them with us! I was so busy hosting and took approximately three the whole day! Ack! If it weren't for all of you, I'd have nothing to remember my girl's special day by! Additionally, thank you all for coming out to celebrate the upcoming birth of our little Luca Alexander! The whole family is on pins and needles in anticipation of his arrival! Eeek! 

To be continued! 

Relishing in His goodness...
