Oh happy Day! My second-born baby, my Gabriel, was Baptized today! What an honor and a privilege it was to watch as he proudly shared his testimony and professed his faith before he was immersed and washed by the water, in the name of our Father. To say that I am proud is an understatement.
And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." -Act 2:38
One of my most favorite memories of Gabriel is one from when he was just three years old. He sat perched in the front of my grocery cart with a Buzz LightYear in one hand and Woody in the other as he belted out the words to DC Talk's "In the Light" followed by "Word of God Speak" by Mercy Me, as I shopped for our groceries that morning. He sang as if he were in his own little world with this tiny little toddler voice. An elderly woman gently patted his head and said, "You keep singing, precious!" And he did. And God gave my boy a gift and a love for music that I pray never ends! When he was in middle school, he and a fellow percussionist came up with a plan to become music missionaries when they were older. They decided that they'd perform outside of stores with a hat to collect money from the store's patrons as a way to save up for mission trips. I remember how excited they were to share their plans. They spoke with such enthusiasm, as I silently prayed for God's will for the both of them.
My boy may not have become the things he hoped he'd become when he was making big plans, at just twelve years old. But he's living a life that exudes Christ, nonetheless. He's a beacon in a dark world. He is a gentle spirit, loving, giving, and so, so kind.
My Dearest Son Kabobs,
What a joy and a blessing to have witnessed your Baptism today! You conquered an old fear. One that kept you from being Baptized all those years ago. Nothing is too big for God! Today was a HUGE step! One that took a lot of courage and faith. I'm so proud of you for being able to publicly show the world that you've been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. As your mama, there isn't anything that could bring me greater joy than to know my child's salvation. My prayer for you is that you never grow tired of seeking or serving God. I pray that you sing songs for Him just like you did in that shopping cart, all those years ago. I pray that you grow in confidence of the man you are becoming because of Christ alone. You make me immensely proud.
To infinity and beyond...