After his four-day trip, not only was I thrilled to have my handsome back home again, but... That man who blesses my world so well brought back, with him, six whopping pounds of our favorite Bargreen's coffee ANDDDDD....
Yassssss! He knows how to get hip to my heart, y'all!!!
More Summer highlights from our crew:
The Jacobs!
My oldest baby turned TWENTY-FIVE!!! She was a pigtail wearing, Junie B. Jones reading child just yesterday, it seems!!!
A family who grows and snaps beans together...
Luke's granny planted those daylilies around the pecan trees, in our backyard, MANY years ago. Such a blessing to see them bloom with such vibrancy all these years later!
Summer fun on Wednesday nights at church!
We spent several various days, throughout the Summer, wading through the creek that Luke grew up playing in. This is Ella's FAVORITE part of our side-by-side drives!
I love being his Grammy!
4th of July!
Mama/daughter movie date night! Despicable Me 4 was our absolute favorite of them all! Such a fun movie!
When you get a notification that there "is a package detected at your front door" and it's your son. His response to this was, "I'm the gift that keeps on giving."
He turned ten months old! He was JUST born yesterday, it seems!
Gabriel sent me this photo, upon receiving a phone call from this person at work, last week. I want to be friends with whoever created their phone account to come up, on a caller-i.d., to reference one of our favorite shows. IYKYK!
It rained for two solid weeks in our area of Georgia, last month. Ella filled those days with art. I'm in love with her artwork! For the record, ALL of my children have an innate ability to create the most beautiful art while their mama, on the other-hand, can't seem to draw a circle without making it look as though a four year old has drawn an oval. {shrug}
Checking out Pa's tools to see if any of em are worth gnawing on. heh
This photo produces big cheesy grins, from me, for multiple reasons. I couldn't ask for more precious grandparents for my babies than these two people. Jacob took this photo of his "Pops" and "Mama Re" and sent it to me captioning it, "Look how sweet, Mama." He and his Pops were taking a break from working the fields when they convinced Mama Re to "sit for a spell" on the front porch swing she purchased, last year, as a 50th anniversary gift for him. Getting to that swing is no easy feat for Mama Re so I LOVE seeing her perched upon it, donning a smiling face and a happy lil wave. The fact that my twelve year old captures mundane moments, such as this one, tells me that he doesn't take much for granted. I love this about my child.

Life on the farm, this Summer, has consisted of a substantial harvest of the yummiest produce, thanks to Pops and the kids. Not photo'd is the blessings that is several packed freezers! We have one and two gallon sized freezer bags slap full of squash, green beans, field peas, corn on the cob, pecans, blueberries, strawberries (although, we picked those from another farm), potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, okra, and onions. Our pear tree was planted by Luke's "Pa" an estimated forty years ago. It stands at least twenty feet high and contains an overabundance of pears. I'm amazed that it's continuing to thrive and produce after this length of time! What a blessing!
Face-Time sesh with his mama while working hard in the fields.
My favorite way to be immersed in this beautiful place is whilst riding on the side-by-side with my sweet family. The good Lord knows we've put some miles on that thing and made a heap of memories together in the process.
An empty beach for my Ella girl and I to find heat-beating sanctuary in!
A new toy for my fella.
Hanging out with his Pa before he had to leave for work.
Ella tends to find lil friends outside in these summer months.
The dynamic duo, Jacob and his Pops, taking a break from the heat and doing farm work from their seats! Jacob was ordering medicine for the baby bovine for Pops.
A Buc-ees stop, with Ella, always make for a good time!
Late night front porch sittin, hand-holdin, and sky ogling.
Finding an absurdly large outdoor chair with an obnoxiously hilarious amount of cup holders, to boot, in a quirky small town grocery store.
Fun one-on-one time with my boy doing what he loves to do!
When your local Chick-fil-A has thirty cent nugget night and it costs less than fifteen dollars to feed your family dinner!. Nom. Nom.
After a two week spell of MUCH NEEDED rain, the men (Pops, Luke, and Jacob) spent several days running three separate tractors, simultaneously through vast fields, cutting, fluffing, raking, baling, and moving hay. There's such gratification in knowing that Jacob is being raised with such experience, as this, under his belt as well as being mentored by the best of the best. I'm proud of our hardworking fellas!
While mom was on a mission to get groceries shopped for, my oldest and youngest babies were spending time, on the other side of the store, sending said mom silly mirror posing photos of themselves. This was a week before my girl moved out-of-state. Oh, how I'd love to go back to that day and keep it going in slow motion for a long while.

To people who don't know our family, nor the privilege of knowing this sweet lady, these photos aren't anything of special interest. But, to us, these photos tell a story of God's grace and mercy. Luke's mama is recovering from a stroke she had last November. The fact that she was able to stand for as long as it took to create the thick, sticky mixture that went into her "cornflake candy" then spent a taxing amount of time mixing it all up, on her own, so that she could give it to her son for his birthday, just as she has for MANY birthdays before this one, was a significantly HUGE deal to us. We are incredibly thankful for her healing! Side note: That cornflake candy is yum-o! He was generous enough to share it with me, this year! ha.

My third shift fella had to work on his actual birthday, but we were able to celebrate birthday numero 47 at his parents house, a few days later. He wanted me to cook his favorite, "puh-sketti" (spaghetti), for the occasion. For the record, he requested this meal for his actual birthday meal that I packed for him to take to work, AND then again for the celebration we had at his parents. He happily ate "puh-sketti" for several days during his birthday week!
When your farm kid is stuck inside for a tempestuous two week spread.
Sweet, spotted triplets in the backyard!
Adding a funny note to Luke's work lunchbox, courtesy of Jacob...and Google.
After church grub fest at our favorite Mexican restaurant.
While the heat has been nearly pestilent and derived from the depths of Hades, undoubtedly, I am gratified that the season has found us so fully immersed in God's favor and love. We still have a short while left before the season comes to an end and a few more adventures are planned.
To be continued...
Relishing in HIS goodness...