Sunday, September 1, 2024

My Heart's on Fire...

     One of my very oldest memories is of an approximately four year old me riding in the backseat of my Mama's car. My daddy was belting out a tune from The Oak Ridge Boys, and I happily followed suit because I loved me some Oak Ridge Boys, y'all!

    "My baby is American made. Born and bred in the U.S.A...."

    My conservative Christian Mama turned around and said, "Christy, we don't need to sing this one because they say a bad word." I was just a wee one so I didn't know what word she was referring to. I would later discover that said "bad word" was the adjective "sexy". She concluded, quite matter-of-factly, "It's also being played in a beer commercial." I knew that it was a song in a commercial but I didn't know what beer was. I simply knew that I LOVED when that particular commercial came on during my favorite evening shows. I pondered her conclusion in silent indignation. I couldn't comprehend her reasoning but when your parents say you can't you simply don't. I rebelliously sang the tune in my head as my dad chuckled and continued to sing aloud to the radio. I can't hear that song now, as an adult, and not remember that one moment-in-time. It is forever preserved, in my psyche, a funny memory. I still ALMOST feel guilty singing the "bad word" when I hear it. It's funny how our childhood memories transpire into our adult capabilities. Ha!

    My dad instilled, in me, a love of gospel, bluegrass, and country music while my Mama shared her love of artists such as Bonnie Raitt, Creedance Clearwater Revival, Fleetwood Mac, Queen, and The Beatles. I would eventually develop my own eclectic taste of music to add to the mix. Without music, I'd be terrible with my own timeline, I'm certain. Don't you love how our senses have the immediate ability to take us back to a memory? My mom took an aerobics class, when I was a kid. She brought my little sister and I along with her because we were too young to stay home alone. We sat in the back of the room and watched as fifteen plus women exercised to songs like "It's Raining Men." I can't hear that song without thinking about that aerobics class way back in 1980-something. 

   About a month or so ago, my guy surprised me with a text containing a simple screenshot of a purchase receipt and, in true Luke fashion, no caption added. That precious soul bought he and I tickets to see The Oak Ridge Boys in concert!!! Eeek (turn the volume WAY UP on said Eeeek, for dramatic effect, because I literally squealed in sheer excitement)! "Be still my rapidly beating heart!" I was ecstatic to finally get the chance to see one of my childhood favorites! In the gorgeous North Georgia mountains with my sweetheart, at that! It doesn't get much better than mountains and music with my fella! He blesses my world so well. 

    The first song they performed was THE SONG, y'all! American Made...the one with the word that my four year old self was forbidden to sing! I was ELATED and felt rebellious as I belted every word (Sorry mama!) of the song, along with that talented quartet. I was living my best life! "You've made my dreams come true, boyfriend!" is what I said to my Luke several times during that concert! I've always had a flair for the dramatics. This was, of course, going to be no exception!  

    There was a moment, during that concert, however, that felt a bit surreal to me. It isn't often that the events of September 2021 hit me, all at once, like that. But, as I sat there watching those legends perform, next to the love of my life who kept his arm around me and held me close to him, I couldn't help but silently thank God for allowing me to survive the thing that took my late husband from us. I thanked Him for allowing me to come home to my babies, from that hospital, and I thanked Him for allowing me a second chance at life; for giving me such copious amounts of moments, like that one, to relish in. My capacity for gratitude has grown ten fold since that experience. With that, my vision is clearer, my arms are open wider, and my heart is slap full of gratitude.

Thank you, Father! Your mercy and love don't go unnoticed. I'm so incredibly thankful. 

    To my Luke, thank you a million times over for making that four year old Oakridge Boys fan, in me, giddy with delight. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to us, after working those third shift nights. Thank you for loving me so incredibly hard and well. I'll forever cherish that time with you. Hands down, one of the best concerts I've ever been to! So happy to have done that with you, baby!

    Our lil vacation consisted of a stop in Helen, a stay in an adorable miniature home in Hiawassee, dinner out with some of his closest friends, Lance and Rebecca, along with a tour of their gorgeous home on the mountain, the concert (EEEK!), a scenic drive through the mountains and into North Carolina with my honey, and some super yummy local favorite hotspots. Here are some photos/videos from our retreat to North Georgia: 

That smile, at the end, turns me into pure mush. I love that man somethin fierce, y'all! 
The view from our dinner out with Luke's friends. We ate at a lil dive called Lakeview Tavern. The ribeye, fried okra, and cheesy grits were sheer PERFECTION! 10/10. Highly recommend! 
The view from Lance and Rebecca's porch was a slice of Heaven on Earth. Gorgeous! 
The view from the cabin we stayed in. 
When on vacation and the only thing watched in that cabin was Motor Trend TV. Ha! My baby loves his car shows!
On top of Bell Mountain 
The mini-cabin we stayed in was cozily adorable! Don't mind my cat napping boyfriend. Cat naps are essential for my third-shift workin man...even on vacation! 

I most especially enjoyed my baritoned fella singing into my ear, every so often, and changing "Elvira" to "Christy-vira".

      He embellishes my world with all kinds of sparkly glitter, y'all! In a beard-growin country farm boy kind of way, of course. Heh! 

Video calls to/from our loved ones:

Coming home from that trip meant being thrust into reality. A blessed one, nonetheless. My guy got back to his work schedule while Ella and I woke up, bright and early for church, the next morning. After church, she and I made the trip to the farm, where Jacob spent the week with Luke's parents. 

A lunch/fuel stop, on our way there, meant for a quick selfie to send to Lindsey in response to the one she sent to us from their morning in Oklahoma. This new norm isn't ideal because I can't give my sweet darlings big squeezing hugs BUT I'm so incredibly thankful for the ability to see their faces, in any form at all, on a nearly daily basis.

Of course, my animal-lovin girl, was thrilled to find out there was a new kitten to meet in Pop's open barn, later that afternoon.

I took to decorating the farmhouse for Fall...despite Fall not officially starting for another few weeks! Makes me giddy. Bring on the cooler months! Woot!
Dried corn; a gift from my father-in-love's garden!

A spotted visitor in our backyard. 

And pecans growing on the trees! 

The next day, my second born baby turned 23! Celebrate good times...

It's about to get cheesy and unoriginal but... here goes!
I'm feeling incredibly thankful, grateful, & blessed, y'all!

Relishing in HIS goodness....