Monday, September 30, 2024



he days of being able to purchase discounted tickets for children twelve and under, in my household, are extinct. That's right, my baby is officially a teenager! 
Let me just tell you about my thirteen year old! Jacob is one of the most inquisitive people I've ever met. He is a sponge soaking up as much information as he possibly can and thrives on learning. He's precocious, comedic, a total empath with a high moral compass, persistent, stubborn (like his mama), creative, sociable, intuitive, and a hard worker. He's extremely observant of human behavior/mannerisms. He can easily read a room and it's extremely difficult to get anything passed him. He oftentimes tag-teams up with Luke to be the purposeful pestilent duo that they are together, driving me to the point of annoyance. Proof that, in the male world, forty-seven and thirteen aren't too far apart on the scale of maturity! Ha! Jacob loves being outside. His new favorite hobby is fishing. He's becoming skilled with the tractor as well as cattle farming, and growing/harvesting veggies. One of his favorite activities, in school, is creative writing. He thoroughly enjoys learning from his Sunday school teacher and hates to miss a Sunday at church. He's recently moved up to the Youth Group, on Wednesday nights, and is enjoying that, too. I'm fairly certain that his most favorite person is his Pops and they are quite a pair together. He's a huge help to me, and without complaint. He's a pretty awesome kid and he makes his mama immensely proud. 

   Despite the fact that Hurricane Helene stuck a pin in our plans for a big celebratory birthday cookout, we were mighty thankful to be able to celebrate at all. Especially while so many others were suffering from the aftermath of such a cataclysmic storm. 

    My boy started his first day, as a teenager, doing what he loves to do best. Fishing! He caught two mud cats, two catfish, and one brim. 
The Georgia sky played its part resplendently; offering a vast sea of serenity with waves of overlapping clouds adrift. Glorious rays, from the sun, beaming down in between them as Jacob stood on the bank of his favorite fishing hole, casting his line out. What a birthday gift for my boy! 

Mama and sister cheering him on. Always and forever. 

Because birthday surprises are still fun at thirteen. 

And when unconditional love and grace are the evidential driving forces for these thriving relationships, there you have these people. Grandparents (who don't have to be, but proudly choose to be) to my children. They were adamant about celebrating Jacob's birthday, for him, despite us having to cancel the party. And I'm so appreciative of that love for my babies. 
He picked a carrot cake this year. It was yummy!

Ending the day with family time!

    Because we couldn't expect people to drive out to the farm, after the storm, for a larger celebration, we had two separate smaller celebrations. Despite the fact that we were missing so many people, I think Jacob felt mighty loved. I appreciate all of you who celebrated with us, as well as those of you who gave him gifts at church this morning, or called/texted to wish him a happy birthday! Bless you all for helping to make his day so special!

    For his second celebration, he requested I cook meatloaf, sauteed broccoli, and mashed potatoes. We also had cucumber salad, Texas smoked sausage, and mac & cheese.

 When all eyes are on you...

Cousin Wesley (in the glasses) with Ella, Jacob, and I.
I'm easily his favorite Aunt. :)

We were able to get Lindsey in the group photo, via video call! Woot!

You can't tell but he's BIG CHEESING behind that big ole heart! He lights up our world!

Love them so. 

My precious Jacob,
    Without intent to hyperbolize but, instead to give glory to God for choosing me to be your mama, finding out I was pregnant with you was nothing short of many answered prayers. And, oh, how I've adored being your mama and watching you grow and learn and thrive and teach. I can tell you with certainty that I've learned just as much from you, if not more, than you've learned from me. I have no doubt that God created you to do great things and to be a beacon in this dark world. You are a teenager and tower over me at nearly six-foot tall, but you'll forever be your mama's baby. 

I'll love you forever and for always. 

Thank you, Father, for choosing me. 

Relishing in HIS goodness...