I am officially considered a non-conformist/societal trash, I'm certain, as our homes are still slap full of our Christmas decor. And I care NONE, y'all, as the twinkling lights stimulate sheer joy in my brain and I'm not ready to let that go just yet. It's far too boring following the masses, anyhow. I didn't read the Harry Potter series until long after the Deathly Hallows was published and the hype had dimmed. I simply refused to follow the fanatical craze....err, only to discover why folks were, in fact, so fanatical in the first place. Ha! Harry Potter was a bad example. Nevermind that. In any case, I am unapologetically enjoying our Christmas decor despite nearing the end of January. So there!
Newsflash! We got snow again! Eeek! The fact that we (The South) were blessed with a SECOND snow "storm" adds to the magical wintery ambience of it all, y'all. Snow outside. Christmas lights inside. Ahhhh. A very rare treat and one that I appreciate wholeheartedly. Gimmie more, por favor!
Hmmmm. Come to think of it, if ever we got a stealthy dose of snow, during the Christmas season, maybe I wouldn't be as reluctant to remove the decor long after the holidays. <Shrug> Who cares?!?! But...did you hear what I said?!? Georgia received a SECOND blanketing of snow in the same month. What?!? What?!? Even more bizarre is the fact that my family, in Southern Alabama and some parts of Florida, received snow, too!!! Quite a bit more than we did, in fact. That's as uncommon as it gets, folks! Blissful insanity, I say!
This second bout of snow only lasted a couple of days, like last week's. That's about all we can handle down here in the South, any ole way. Two days of cheerful nothingness. No schedules. No school. Nada. Actually, I take that back. I saw a vine MANY moons ago that was taken from a news reel made during a snowstorm where a woman was asked what she was planning on doing during the storm. She said that they were gonna "...sit around and cook some soups and eat bread and desserts and just get all fat and sassy!" Ditto, sister. Ditto! I don't know what it is about the snow that makes one want to bake, but I did a bit of baking AND cooking of the soups during both snowstorms. Ha. I was sassy long before the snow, though.
Here are some photos from our second blanket of sparkled powdery good stuff:
Jacob and Luke were home from the farm, this time around, to enjoy the snow with us.
But the farm got snow, too, as it turns out! I only wish we could have seen it in person! I'm sure our old house looked quite magical!
He attempted to go to work. It was a futile feat.
The man has Hagrid-sized hands and feet!
Yeah, I'm referring to those big ole things, sir!
He looked silently mischievous so I told him not to even consider throwing that snowball at me.
The lil booger bear!
When driving to work proved to be an impossibility, he settled into the warmth of our plush couch and the cheesiness of one Gilmore Girl episode. "One" being the operative word in that sentence because that's all he could possibly stand. Ha. What a trooper!
Meanwhile, several states over:
My sweet darlings were enjoying a day without snow and a little shopping. I can't wait to see them again! Luke and I have an upcoming trip planned in which we get to stop in OK, on our way back from said trip, to visit with them for a few days. Eeek!!! I am beyond ecstatic!
By the time the snow had melted, my cubs were stir-crazed with self diagnosed cabin fever so we set our sites on a night of fun out at our local bowling hotspot.
Bowling is a family fave, despite the fact that we are not great bowlers. With the exception of Gabriel who was once in a league. I'm fairly certain this was my first time to ever break 100. I'm no bragger, but I was stoked and quite surprised at my luck so I snapped a photo for proof as I'm certain that'll never happen again! For lack of a better description of my bowling skills, "stink, stank, stunk" comes to mind as I typically average a mere 70-something.. Ella won the second game and Jacob won the third. Not that any of this matters, mind you. It was simply a super fun night out with my babes and I was thankful for it! Even the games I lost badly to!

This is a still shot that I took from a video that Lindsey sent me of Luca, a couple of days ago. His little fingers strummed the strings just as gingerly as a one year old could muster. It was precious! I LOVE the fact that she's allowing him to "make music" with her beloved ukulele. Someday, he'll make music with that of his own, I'm sure.
Tonight was family movie night, in our household. We watched The Wild Robot. I sobbed like a baby during a particular scene that took me right back to an extremely sad night before my oldest girl moved far away from her Mama, family, friends, and home. It was such a precious movie and one we give seventeen exuberant thumbs up and highly recommend you add to your watch list....and not just because (ooo la la) Pedro Pascal joins the cast, as the voice of Fink the Fox. The story line is simply beautiful. His voice is just a bonus. <wink>
Many warm blessings to you and yours, this week, sweet reader! Until next time!