It looks like a science experiment, to some of you, I'm certain. But, oh my word, it's absolutely DELISH! This is probably unoriginal and I'm no food influencer nor do I ever plan to be! I'm just an extremely common gal who has lost a good amount of weight (or stones) eating high-protein meals, like this one, and I thought I'd share the simplicity of this recipe for those of you who are busy or, like me, lazy. When it comes to myself, anyhow. If you have children, they may love this. My kids certainly do!
I measure everything with my heart so I'll do my best at giving you approximated measurements. I start by adding about a half a cup of frozen chopped kale to a microwave safe container. Then add about three hefty tablespoons of low fat cottage cheese. Sprinkle in some seasonings of your choice. I prefer garlic with everything, so I sprinkle in garlic, salt, and pepper. Cook on high for three minutes. The best part about this process is that the heat dissolves those nasty lil cottage cheese curds so there is no need to involve your blender for this recipe. Woot. Working smarter, not harder, folks.
As that's cooking, scramble your eggs and season to your taste. To feed the kids and I a recipe like this, I only need two large eggs. On a side note, have you seen the price of eggs?!?! Nearly $7 for 18 eggs, is what I paid last week. I need to research chicken raising with these prices! Remember when eggs were less than $2 for 18?!? I'm officially that old to where I commonly ask questions like that. <shrug>
When your cottage cheese curds have dissolved, stir the mixture well. As your eggs are heating up in your frying pan, pour the cottage cheese and kale mixture into the pan while stirring. This combo makes the fluffiest, most flavorful scrambled eggs. Yum.
Typically, during this process, I've got the bread (whole wheat, whole grain) in the toaster doing its thing. Once it's toasted perfectly, I spread about a teaspoon (a hefty one) of Wholly Guacamole onto each slice of toast.
Top with the egg, kale, and cottage cheese mixture and voila. An extremely easy and high protein, chalk full of good-for-you vitamins meal, that is both filling and extremely tasty.
At 45, my body definitely screams at me when I'm not eating the way that I should. In the past, I have had a bad habit of running on coffee and neglecting to eat during the day. Why is it so easy for us parents to cook for and take care of our children but not for ourselves?! I've been attempting to make a conscious effort to eat breakfast. My coffee addicted brain is annoyed by this effort, but I feel so much better when I start my days with an easy meal, such as this, and thought I'd share for you folks out there who might be like me.
Tell me if you make your own version! AND feel free to share recipes with me, too!
Until next time!