Wednesday, January 5, 2022

My Current Top Ten List Of Grief Busting, Sunshiney Bits

I have to do it. If I don't, it'll just be another weepy post and I don't wanna be that girl today.

So here goes.

My Current Top Ten List of Grief Busting, Sunshiney Bits:

1) Moira Rose. The vocabulary. The over dramatized annunciation. The blasted wigs! I mean, come on! Need I say more? 

2) Walking into my kitchen, early this morning, to catch the tail-end of the chorus of Lady Gaga's "Million Reasons" being sung by my ten year old  as he was opening his chromebook to start school. Followed by an ensued duet, of course. When opportunity knocks...

3) "Master has given Dobby a sock! Master has presented Dobby with clothes! Dobby is freeeee!" Following the viewing of the 20th anniversary special, we've been full-on Harry Potter geeking to a movie each night. Again. It never gets old. 

4) Jingle Bones by Bones Coffee Company brewing in my coffee pot. Starbucks ain't got nothin on it. Jingle Bones is coconut, and caramel, and chocolate and just sheer happiness in my mug, ya'll.

5) Cards Against Humanity FAMILY EDITION. A lot of bathroom humor, which was expected of a kids game, but I'm fairly certain we laughed our dinner off that night. 

6) The Walmart delivery guy who whelped a nice "Whoo hoo" before doing a gracious jig as he pilfered through the basket of goodies I left him on my front porch. He danced all the way back to his truck, with a bag of hot fries in one hand and cherry propel in the other. Good stuff. 

7) I received the sweetest card from a complete stranger, today. Precious acts of kindness, like that, are worth far more than gold.

8) Baking with my kids. We winged the heck out of it. I had all the ingredients to make smores so we made a lil bake. Mama needed chocolate. Whatever...mama really felt like she needed chocolate. Better? Gosh, you're rude, today.  

9) The view from my front porch, as I drink my coffee in the morning, is art drawn by the hands of the Lord. You can't convince me otherwise.  

10) My doctor, who saves my sanity every time I see her. She's absolutely precious and I'm thankful for her. 

Relishing in His goodness...