Monday, August 28, 2023

Birthdays, Babies, and Snow Cones

    The past month has found our family immersed in blessings that have come in the form of babies, birthdays, and snow cones... with a million other little things in between. 

    My sweet Aaron is back home after his summer-long internship in California. His birthday, in May, was the first that I've not celebrated with him in some years (since before he moved in with and and before we were given custody of him, in fact), so we celebrated at the end of August, instead. I met his boyfriend, William, for the first time, too! He's such a sweet fella. I loved every second of getting to spend that time with the two of them. 

There was just one thing that William and I disagreed on. 
My boy was long overdue for a haircut!!! 
He sent me this photo the next afternoon. Fresh haircut! 

    While I LOVE the fact that Aaron was given such an amazing opportunity to intern in California, I'm thrilled to have my boy back on the East coast again! He just started his Senior year of college at UGA. No doubt he's going to slay! My boy is soaring, y'all! He's the poster child of adversity and he makes this mama proud!

    Lindsey had a recent ultrasound appointment in which the tech completely surprised us and switched the 4D scan on whilst in the midst of doing said ultrasound. 
The tears were instantaneous as the image of a yawning Luca came into focus! That's the precious face of my first biological grandchild, you guys!!! Eeek!

I took this just a few days ago. Much to her chagrin, I'm in love with her growing pregnancy "bump" and greedily ask to take photos of her in the silliest of places. A snack isle at Sam's, for example. ha. It's all about preserving the memories, I say! I simply don't want to forget what she looked like with a beautiful growing pregnancy belly. Still can't believe my baby is having a baby!

    Jacob was invited to his buddy's birthday celebration recently. This friend is also named Jacob! Makes things fun for their teachers, as they've been in the same virtual classes for a few years now. To celebrate Jacob's birthday, they went to an Infantry Museum before going out for pizza and then back to the family's home for cake and presents. His parents, whom I've become quite fond of as they've been sweet blessings to my babies and I, were thoughtful enough to share photos of the boys, with me, throughout the day. 

    Jacob's sister, Hannah, is a creative cake genius, in her young years of just 15! She made her baby brother a German Chocolate cake (because Jacob is a lover of all things German) decorated to resemble a yak! Super adorbs!

My Jacob had an absolute blast! He really needed that time with his friends. I'm so thankful the family invited him. :)

While Jacob was out with them, Ella and I did some shopping and tried a snow cone place, close to our town square, that she'd been begging me to take her to. I'm not keen on snow cones, typically. But...these were pretty scrum-diddly-umptious! The atmosphere is fun, too! Two thumbs up! 

    When Lindsey got pregnant, her cat moved in with us. Litter boxes and pregnant women are not a good combo, after all. Her name is Maz. She's fat, sassy, and happy! She also loves to sunbathe, in this spot, on a daily. 

This is Luke. I'm introducing him to this blog for the first time. Kind of a big deal for me. More than he probably realizes. I'm just slightly fond of the guy, as it turns out. I like to take photos of him when he doesn't realize it. 
I don't think it's his favorite thing in the world to have his good looks taken advantage of when he least expects it. But, somehow, he's stuck around, anyway. :) 

Just look at that sweet smile!!!


He's been good for my heart, and so good to my babies, too. I'm  thankful that God put him on my path and in my heart. As a bonus, he comes with the most loving parents whom have welcomed my babies and I into their family with open arms. I couldn't have asked for a bigger blessing. 

    My nephew and his wife just welcomed a new baby into the family, making him the first biological great grandchild for my parents! He's six weeks old, this week. I got to meet the sweet Loki last week, and held him until I couldn't feel my arm anymore. heh.
We are all so thrilled to have a new baby in the family! Congratulations Samantha and Bryson!!! 


My handsome Gabriel turned 22, a couple of days ago. We celebrated at home with all of my kids (minus Aaron) and their significant others, as well as with my sister. It's a far cry from the celebrations he had growing up, but it was a sweet blessing, nonetheless. 
    My dearest Goob, I know I sound like a broken record when I exclaim, each year, the sheer insanity that time has been to your mama. I blinked and twenty-two years zoomed right on by me! You have the most gentle, loving heart. You always have. You make me so incredibly proud of the man you've become. I pray that your 22nd year of life brings you SO MUCH JOY. I pray that you find God revealing Himself to you more each day. I pray that you find yourself constantly immersed in being loved and loving in return, concerts, new food, traveling with your beautiful Karma, writing more music and sharing it with the world, spending time with your family, and finding a career that makes you happy and feeling fulfilled. You are one of the best things to ever happen to me. I'm so thankful God chose me to be your mama. To infinity and beyond... 

These are some of my favorite photos from Gabriel's 21st year:

I'm looking forward to seeing what year 22 looks like for him! 

Just a few randoms from this past month:

I dropped Jacob off at a back-to-school bash so she and I had a date night that consisted of a visit to the Tractor Supply store and dinner at Jim-n-Nicks. 
Packing lunches with a mad pun game!
They stopped playing in the puddle just long enough for me to capture photos and then got right back to it! 
Weathering out the storm! 
Sleepy sleepers!
An unsuspecting sushi eater
Things you find livin in the country
Luke's Mama is always gifting me with the most wonderful homemade goodies. Including these microwave bowl holders! We love em! 

Ella and Jacob made ice cream pies! Yummm!

I've got a prayer request, so if you feel so inclined, please pray along with me for Gabriel's girlfriend, Karma. She's having some health issues, going into her second year of college, and working her tush off, to boot. I'm sure she'd appreciate your prayers!

Ending with a bible verse that's been on my heart this past week. I hope you find blessings in reading it. 

No one has ever seen God: but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us. 
-1 John 4:12 

Relishing in His goodness...